Outsourcing en compras.
En los ultimos tiempos estamos viendo cada vez una mayor externalización no sólo en servicios de «Call Center», gestorías jurídicas, empresas de selección, etc, sino que también estamos asistiendo a un incremento de las actividades que más afectan directamente a la creación de valor de una compañía. Por lo tanto, el departamento de compra, ahora, […]
Reducir la demanda para reducir costes.
¿Cómo sería el no tener que comprar nada en absoluto? ¿Es realmente necesario todo aquello que compramos? ¿como sabemos que no podemos prescindir de ciertos productos o servicios? ¿ Pueden ciertos grupos de material indirecto ser simplemente eliminados? Por ejemplo, eliminar los papeles en la oficina es ahora posible ya que todo el trabajo puede […]
Purchasing Objectives: 6.- Develop Integrated Purchasing Strategies That Support Organizational Strategies
Far too often the purchasing function fails to develop strategies and plans that align with or support organizational strategies or the plans of other business functions. There are a number of reasons why purchasing may fail to integrate their plans with company plans. First, purchasing personnel have not historically participated in senior-level corporate planning meetings, […]
Purchasing Objectives: 5.- Support Organizational Goals and Objectives.
Perhaps the single most important purchasing objective is to support organizational goals and objectives. Although this sounds easy, it is not always the case that purchasing goals match organizational goals. This objective implies that purchasing can directly affect (positively or negatively) total performance and that purchasing must concern themselves with organizational directives. For example, let’s […]
Purchasing Objectives: 4.- Develop Aligned Goals with Internal Functional Stakeholders.
Industry has traditionally maintained organizational structures that have resulted in limited cross-functional interaction and cross-boundary communication. During the 1990s, the need for closer relationships between functions became clear. Purchasing must communicate closely with other functional groups, which are purchasing’s internal customers. These are sometimes called stakeholders, in that they have a significant stake in the […]
Purchasing Objectives: 3.- Develop Supply Base Management.
One of the most important objectives of the purchasing function is the selection, development, and maintenance of supply, a process that is sometimes described as supply base management. Purchasing must keep abreast of current conditions in supply markets to ensure that purchasing: (1) selects suppliers that are competitive, (2) identifies new suppliers that have the […]
Purchasing Objectives: 2.- Manage the purchasing process Efficiently and Effectively.
Purchasing must manage its internal operations efficiently and effectively, by performing the following: Determining staffing levels. Developing and adhering to administrative budgets. Providing professional training and growth opportunities for employees. Introducing procure to pay systems that lead to improved spending visibility, efficient invoicing and payment, and user satisfaction. Purchasing management has limited resources available to […]
Purchasing Objectives: 1.- Supply Continuity.
Purchasing must perform a number of activities to satisfy the operational requirementsof internal customers, which is the traditional role of the purchasing function. More often than not, purchasing supports the needs of operations through the purchase of raw materials, components, subassemblies, repair and maintenance items, and services. Purchasing may also support the requirements of physical […]